[awips2-users] EDEX Cloud Service Update

Hi all,

As mentioned last week there was a disk error on edex-cloud which caused
the server to become unresponsive. Unidata began forwarding edex-cloud
connections to our physical backup server since last week.  For performance
reasons I muted some data sources from ingest (GOES-16, MRMS, FNMOC grids,

For now, the physical server will remain edex-cloud.unidata.ucar.edu

This morning I reenabled the GOES-16 provisional products and will monitor
their ingest. I will copy over user-level localization files from the
previous edex-cloud server and slowly reenable more data sources depending
on performance.

Just wanted to update the community on what's going on.  Most likely we
will establish a second cloud-based backup for these situations, and work
with XSEDE to diagnose the issues with our current edex-cloud VM.

Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO
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