[awips2-users] Unidata AWIPS Release: 17.1.1-5

CAVE 17.1.1-5 is now available for Linux and Mac

EDEX 17.1.1-5 is now available for RedHat/CentOS 6 and 7

This is a major release with the following updates:

   - GOES East (16/R) updates for operational mode, new geostationary
   position, ingest of CONUS and Full Disk netCDF files, menu updates for
   Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM), and Derived Motion Winds (DMW), RGB
   composites, and more.
   - New set of colormaps ported from Matplotlib
   - Native decoding of PNG-compressed AREA and GINI imagery (FNEXRAD and
   - Menu and bundle updates for WPC QPF/QPE grids
   - Removed IFPS server send dialogs from GFE perspective.
   - Support for NationalBlend, HIRLAM, more complete HRRRX parameters
   - Distributed computing support for ingest nodes writing data to a
   remote database/request instance (
   - yum groupinstall awips2-ingest (does not install postgresql,
      PyPIES/hdf5, database RPMs)
      - yum groupinstall awips2-database (does not install LDM, ingest,

Corresponding edex start options:

   - edex start ingest
      - edex start database
   - Fix for long request times to fill colormap editor right-click menu,
   which now displays only your own USER-level localization colormap edits
   - Removed NCEP EDEX data decoders (rpm awips2-edex-ncep) from build and
   install (this does not affect the common/viz plugins or the NCP)
   - EDEX no longer installs awips2-python-setuptools, which was not
   required for the software to run, and in some cases would prevent virtual
   machines from booting due to Python version conflicts.
   - el6 and el7 RPMs are built inside awips-ade Docker containers which
   are published at https://hub.docker.com/r/unidata/awips-ade/tags/
   - awips2-edex-<pluginname> RPMs consolidated into the existing
   awips2-edex-dataplugins package (rather than installing
   awips2-edex-binlightning, awips2-edex-bufr, awips2-edex-grid, etc.)
   - Removed bundled netCDF packages to avoid conflict with epel
   - Removal of more unused AWIPS1, Hydro, RadarServer components
   - The script qpidNotify.py has been added to /awips2/edex/bin and is
   available in $PATH for non-root users on an AWIPS server.
   - The EDEX service manager application (command 'edex') has been moved
   from /awips2/tools/bin to /awips2/edex/bin (should be present with updated
   /etc/profile.d/awips2.sh from packages awips2)
   - The EDEX service manager now includes a wrapper for qpid-stat, to
   display qpid message queues for datatypes with the command "edex qpid".

Component Updates

   - qpid message broker update from 0.32->6.1.4
   - awips2-httpd-pypies update to 2.4.23
   - postgresql/psql update to 9.5.8
   - matplotlib update to 1.5.3
   - numpy update to 1.9.3
   - cython update to 0.27.2
   - shapely update to 1.6.2
   - python-qpid update to 1.36.0
   - dateutil update to 2.6.1
   - python-scientific update to 2.8.1
   - python-tables update to 3.4.2
   - Removed unused python modules (nose, scipy, pupynere, pwm, setuptools)


Please direct support requests for your educational institution to

Bug reports can be filed at https://github.com/Unidata/awips2/issues

Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO
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