18.1.1-3 is a minor update release for Linux CAVE and EDEX (no changes for
macOS or Windows)
* Added a new GEMPAK display plugin to the D2D perspective
* Cleaned up paths available to CAVE in the Localization Perspective
* Cleanup grid name aliasing to avoid multiple names for a single grid
(NAM40 vs NAMWX)
* Fix to reset the manual ingest endpoint to `/awips2/data_store/ingest/`
* Cleanup/remove GFE service backup utility
* Updates to "edex start" service manager
* Minor updates and fixes merged from NWS development baseline (Hydro apps
trace precipitation display, GFE Fosberg fire weather index, GFE Haines
index, Grib1 decoding updates)
Updated el6/el7 RPMs for 18.1.1-3
* awips2-cave-18.1.1-3
* awips2-cave-wrapper-18.1.1-3
* awips2-18.1.1-3
* awips2-edex-18.1.1-3
* awips2-edex-cots-18.1.1-3
* awips2-common-base-18.1.1-3
* awips2-edex-base-18.1.1-3
* awips2-edex-common-core-18.1.1-3
* awips2-edex-core-18.1.1-3
* awips2-edex-cots-18.1.1-3
* awips2-edex-dataplugins-18.1.1-3
* awips2-python-awips-18.1.6-1
Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO