Hi Michael,
/awips2/cave/ is locally mounted, on each SSD. Only the home directories are
NFS-mounted. Multiple sessions of CAVE are run as different users (i.e.
students are each logged in to Linux with their own user account), meaning that
you’re correct, no two users should be reading/writing to the same ~/caveData
directory at the same time. I will try turning off data cacheing and see if
that alleviates the problem.
From: Michael James <mjames@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 10:52 AM
To: Kaiser, Jason N. <jason.kaiser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [awips2-users] EDEX to CAVE latency with multiple simultaneous
Hi Jason,
I don't believe that CAVE using an NFS-mounted user home directory should
result in the performance issues you are experiencing, but I wonder if multiple
users running the same CAVE executable over NFS could cause this... is that how
the application is being used? (meaning /awips2/cave/ is on an NFS mount and
each users is running the app from that mount?). In our classrooms we have seen
no issues with multiple CAVE clients connecting to a single server and I have
not seen network latency caused by multiple clients connecting at the same
Can we confirm that the multiple session of CAVE are run as different users,
meaning no two users would be reading/writing the same ~/caveData directory at
the same time?
Perhaps turning off data cacheing (CAVE > Preferences > Cache) would reduce the
latency to an acceptable level?