Re: [awips2-users] MRMS ingestion

I dont find the raw files they must get deleted. I found the hdf ones:
in /awips2/edex/data/hdf5/grid/MRMS_0500

only subdir is FH

[root@awips2-edex MRMS_0500]# ls FH
MRMS_0500-2019-08-06-06-FH-000.h5  MRMS_0500-2019-08-06-08-FH-000.h5  
MRMS_0500-2019-08-06-10-FH-000.h5  MRMS_0500-2019-08-06-12-FH-000.h5  
MRMS_0500-2019-08-06-07-FH-000.h5  MRMS_0500-2019-08-06-09-FH-000.h5  
MRMS_0500-2019-08-06-11-FH-000.h5  MRMS_0500-2019-08-06-13-FH-000.h5  
[root@awips2-edex MRMS_0500]# 

On Tuesday, August 6, 2019 10:26am, "Devin Eyre" <Devin.Eyre@xxxxxxxxxxxx> said:

> We're getting our MRMS over LDM from instead
> of (because we're a private company), and the
> patterns in pqact.conf and ldmd.conf don't match.  Also, it comes
> gzipped, so there's an extra step to get it ready for ingestion.
> Could someone who is ingesting MRMS give me a snapshot of the file
> names in the following directories please?
> /awips2/data_store/grid/MRMS/
> /awips2/data_store/grid/MRMS-precip/
> /awips2/data_store/grid/MRMS-model/
> /awips2/data_store/grid/MRMS-lightning/
> /awips2/data_store/grid/MRMS-rotation/
> /awips2/data_store/grid/MRMS-rotation-ml/
> /awips2/data_store/grid/MRMS-merged/
> /awips2/data_store/grid/MRMS-radar/
> /awips2/data_store/grid/MRMS-other/
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