[awips2-users] Introduction and User's Survey

Hi there,

I wanted to take the time to introduce myself to you, the Unidata AWIPS
community.  My name is Shay Carter and I am currently the head software
engineer of our AWIPS team here at Unidata.
I think that many of you knew of Michael James, who was the previous AWIPS
lead developer.  I was hired to work with him, but unfortunately arrived
here at Unidata in September after he passed away.

I had no previous AWIPS experience, so I have spent these first few months
trying to get a basic understanding of all of AWIPS.  I know much more
today than I did 2 months ago, but I still have a long way to go.  I hope
to be able to help and support all of you as quickly as possible.

To this point, I have created a short (7 multiple choice questions) survey
to get a better understanding of the Unidata AWIPS community.  I would like
to know a little bit about how you use AWIPS and how I can best support you.
If you could please take a few minutes to fill out the survey I would
greatly appreciate it.  It can be found at:

Please pass this form along to anyone else you know of that uses Unidata's
Also, if you know of others that use AWIPS and are not on this mailing
list, please encourage them to join the "awips2-users" list at:

If you are having any issues with CAVE or EDEX please send emails to
These emails are archived and publically available.  They can be a good
resource if you are experiencing an issue.  It's possible someone else had
the same issue and it's been solved once already.

Thank you for your time.  I hope to be of use for your AWIPS needs.

Software Engineer II
*UCAR - Unidata*
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