[awips2-users] Unidata Intro and New Survey

Hi All,

I wanted to introduce myself to the Unidata AWIPS community. I’m Tiffany
Meyer and am the new Lead AWIPS Engineer at Unidata and will be working
with Shay Carter.

Before joining Unidata, I had been at the Cooperative Institute for
Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS), a collaborative research facility
sponsored by the University of Oklahoma. During my first three years at
CIMMS, I worked with the NWS Warning Decision Training Division as the
AWIPS-2 Focal Point creating training for the National Weather Service. The
last five years I’ve been working with NOAA's National Severe Storms
Laboratory as the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) Program Coordinator
and Technical Lead where I integrated new experimental products into AWIPS
for NWS forecasters from around the country to come to the HWT to test and
provide feedback.

While having quite a bit of experience with AWIPS-2 in the operational
community, I am excited to transition into the academic side of the use of
AWIPS at Unidata where we can be more creative and flexible. With only
starting a month ago, I’m still getting an understanding of the differences
and configuration of the Unidata AWIPS. I know Shay sent out a short survey
last November after she started, and I’d like to follow that up with
another survey that goes into a little more detail of what datasets and
functionality you use, so we can focus our initial efforts on what is most
important to our users! If you could please take a few minutes to fill out
the anonymous survey, the AWIPS team here at Unidata would greatly
appreciate it. It can be found at: https://forms.gle/HuoYJmWjfcRT8vrRA.

Please feel free to pass this survey along to anyone else you know of that
uses Unidata's AWIPS.

Also, if you know of others that use AWIPS and are not on this mailing
list, please encourage them to join the "awips2-users" list at:


For specific support questions/problems please email:


Thank you for your time,


Tiffany Meyer
AWIPS Lead Software Engineer IV
UCAR - Unidata
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