[awips2-users] [AWIPS #POI-890489]: EDEX server file permissions post new install

> Hi folks,
> I have tried installing the current EDEX server on a new virtual machine 
> running RHEL 7.9. The VM has 20 cores allocated, 32 GB RAM, and the /awips2 
> path is a file system running on a pair of NVMe sticks on the host 
> motherboard. This is the same configuration that had been running the old 
> 18.x server (under a RHEL 6.x OS) for a number of years.
> I have tried installing the software multiple times, always assuming that I 
> have done something wrong, but the system load continues to rise over time. I 
> have tracked it down to what looks like a file permission problem, where the 
> data files are owned by root, but the data processing scripts that want to 
> move files are run by the awips user.
> Here are some pieces of evidence.
> [root@edex ~]# grep 
> /awips2/data_store/radar/20240316/08/VAX/VAX_N1X_20240316_0829 
> /awips2/ldm/dev/logs/purgeRadar.log
> find: cannot delete 
> ‘/awips2/data_store/radar/20240316/08/VAX/VAX_N1X_20240316_0829’: Permission 
> denied
> find: cannot delete 
> ‘/awips2/data_store/radar/20240316/08/VAX/VAX_N1X_20240316_0829’: Permission 
> denied
> find: cannot delete 
> ‘/awips2/data_store/radar/20240316/08/VAX/VAX_N1X_20240316_0829’: Permission 
> denied
> find: cannot delete 
> ‘/awips2/data_store/radar/20240316/08/VAX/VAX_N1X_20240316_0829’: Permission 
> denied
> find: cannot delete 
> ‘/awips2/data_store/radar/20240316/08/VAX/VAX_N1X_20240316_0829’: Permission 
> denied
> find: cannot delete 
> ‘/awips2/data_store/radar/20240316/08/VAX/VAX_N1X_20240316_0829’: Permission 
> denied
> find: cannot delete 
> ‘/awips2/data_store/radar/20240316/08/VAX/VAX_N1X_20240316_0829’: Permission 
> denied
> find: cannot delete 
> ‘/awips2/data_store/radar/20240316/08/VAX/VAX_N1X_20240316_0829’: Permission 
> denied
> find: cannot delete 
> ‘/awips2/data_store/radar/20240316/08/VAX/VAX_N1X_20240316_0829’: Permission 
> denied
> find: cannot delete 
> ‘/awips2/data_store/radar/20240316/08/VAX/VAX_N1X_20240316_0829’: Permission 
> denied
> ....
> There are 549 instances of this error in the log.
> [root@edex 20240316]# ll 
> /awips2/data_store/radar/20240316/08/VAX/VAX_N1X_20240316_0829 
> /awips2/ldm/dev/logs/purgeRadar.log
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root  root           74507 Mar 16 04:31 
> /awips2/data_store/radar/20240316/08/VAX/VAX_N1X_20240316_0829
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 awips fxalpha 421414977804 Mar 18 17:56 
> /awips2/ldm/dev/logs/purgeRadar.log
> (That's a 400 GB log file of errors.)
> I suspect this is the underlying issue, as the load on the machine went to 
> >1500 (yes, 1500) when I had previously stopped all of the EDEX server 
> process, including the LDM the night before. With no new data the load went 
> from zero to that value overnight. I realized what the problem was by using 
> the ps command to see the many stacked-up Python processes. (Launched from 
> the awips user's crontab entries.)
> So, should there be some setting that makes the files writeable to the awips 
> user? I looked in the install script, and I don't see any setuid or umask 
> efforts. What step(s) have I failed to make?
> I have scrubbed prior installations. I had some issues with group install and 
> rpm where the install aborted at the sed edit for the ldm registry. I think 
> that things are "properly installed" now, but perhaps there was a post 
> install event that didn't execute properly, or some other magic I failed to 
> notice.  I did run the regutil commands to modify the queue location and 
> size, used the ldmadmin command and notifyme command to query both the 
> locally running ldm and remote sources. That stuff does seem to be working as 
> expected, perhaps.
> Here are the installed packages.
> [root@edex ~]# rpm -qa | grep awips2-edex| sort
> awips2-edex-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-alertviz-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-archive-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-base-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-bufr-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-common-core-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-config-auto-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-configuration-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-core-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-dataplugins-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-com-beust-jcommander-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-com-google-protobuf-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-com-mchange-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-com-sun-jna-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-edu-mit-ll-netcdf-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-javax-activation-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-javax-mail-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-javax-media-opengl-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-javax-servlet-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-net-dods-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-net-opengis-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-net-opengis_v2-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-net-sf-ehcache-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-ogc-tools-gml-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-activemq-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-camel-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-commons-cli-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-commons-compress-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-commons-management-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-commons-net-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-commons-ssl-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-commons-validator-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-shiro-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-ws-commons-schema-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-ws-security-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-xalan-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-xml-resolver-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-xml-security-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-apache-xml-serializer-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-dom4j-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-eclipse-jetty-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-itadaki-bzip2-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-jasypt-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-jfreechart-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-joda-time-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-objectweb-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-opensaml-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-org-w3-xmlschema-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-foss-ucar-nc2-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-gfe-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-goesr-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-grid-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-griddednucaps-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-ncep-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-npp-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-nswrc-radar-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-ost-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-probsevere-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-radar-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-registry-client-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-remote-script-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-satellite-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-shapefiles-20.3.2-2.noarch
> awips2-edex-text-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> awips2-edex-warning-20.3.2-2.x86_64
> Any and all input is welcome. I only pretend to know what I'm doing. (-:
> Thanks!


Sorry you've been having some issues installing and running EDEX. I've got a 
couple clarifying questions to try and help you.

When was the last time you tried installing? Did you download the latest 
awips_install.sh script?

When was the last time you saw the stacked-up python processes? In one of our 
releases we did have an issue with this, but in our latest release all of those 
issues have been resolved.

You mentioned having "issues with the group install" - was that from running 
the awips_install.sh script? What was that error?

Nothing in /awips2/data_store should be owned by root. When you ran the regutil 
and ldm commands were you user awips or root?

Since there are things definitely not running/set up correctly let's have you:
1. Download the latest awips_install.sh script: 
wget -O awips_install.sh 
2. Make sure the script is executable
chmod 755 awips_install.sh
3. Run the install script - assuming you are running it with sudo/root? (Note: 
Running this script will remove any existing version of AWIPS that is installed)
sudo ./awips_install.sh --edex

Send us the output from the install and hopefully we can see if something is 
going awry during the installation.


Tiffany Meyer
AWIPS Lead Software Engineer
NSF Unidata

If you're interested, please feel free to fill out a survey about the support 
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: POI-890489
Department: Support AWIPS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
NOTE: All email exchanges with NSF Unidata User Support are recorded in the 
Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the 
web.  If you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, 
you must let us know in each email you send to us.

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