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Hi, Today I released WmoBufr 1.5.1, a WMO BUFR to XML translator. WmoBufr is open source Java and is at Version 1.5.1 ... - Handles a wider variety of compressed BUFR datasets - Handles associated fields in compressed datasets - Creates one output file per BUFR message, containing 0 or more subsets. Previous versions created one output file per subset. - Allows much easier control of parsing. - Allows output in text format as well as XML format. The text output is designed to be easy to parse by other programs. - Allows output in either terse, standard, or full style. Background: WmoBufr is an open source Java package for translating WMO BUFR files into XML. The WmoBufr package offers both a Java API for reading BUFR files and a command-line utility to translate BUFR files into XML. The WMO BUFR format is widely used for observational weather data. The format uses roughly 750 tables to encode observations into bit strings. The tables and format are specified in standards published by the WMO, the World Meteorological Organization. The WmoBufr package includes the WMO version 13 BUFR tables. The package is released under the BSD open source license. The package is available at: If you have questions or concerns, please email me. Steve -- Steve Sullivan steves@xxxxxxxx 303-497-2823 FL/2, Research Applications Laboratory National Center for Atmospheric Research PO Box 3000 Boulder CO 80307 USA