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Case studies are a collection of datasets to analyze (in ths situation) weather phenomena. They help provide insight to the dynamics of storm development and help provide guidance in the proper use of numerical models. -----COMET CASE STUDY 029--MONTANA FIRE WEATHER-DRY COLD FRONT----- (30 OCTOBER -> 01 NOVEMBER, 1999) A dry cold front passed through eastern Montana on 31 October 1999 bringing in a strong northwest wind behind it. Warmer and drier than normal conditions existed in the region at this time, so with the addition of strong wind, the fire danger rose greatly. Sustained winds of 50+ knots and gusts to near 80 knots were reported in eastern Montana, driving fires near the towns of Outlook and Wolf Point. Over $12 million in damages are estimated statewide from the strong wind and fires. This case expands the coverage of our Case Study Library to Fire Weather events, and allows in-depth study of fire weather dynamics associated with a dry cold front across Montana.Case 029 is now freely available for searching, browsing, and ordering for
FTP download including data in McIDAS, GEMPAK, GRIB, ASCII Text, netCDF and NIDS formats. This case also includes MM5 Model ouput in GEMPAK format. Hope this helps... ____________________________ _____________________ Jeff Weber jweber@xxxxxxxxUnidata Support PH:303-497-8676 NWS-COMET Case Study Library FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln Boulder,Co 80307-3000 ________________________________________ ______________________ On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, ali mohammad wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam, i have assignment about "Case studies" i have to write what is case study is. please guide me. i'll be very greatful to you. Ali __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one Place.