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Might be interesting to do a bake-off with an "all in one file" design. Do you have a small sample we could look at?
Joe Sirott wrote:
Hi Bryan,My point in my previous e-mail (which I guess wasn't very clear) is that you don't have to unzip the zip or jar file to get at the data. You open one file using the zip API and then you have access to all of the netCDF files in the archive. If you're familiar with Java, it works just like a Java jar file -- the jar file contains many individual Java class files which are contained in the single jar file. You don't have to unzip the jar file to get at the individual class files.(not that I'm following this closely, would that I had the time ...)1) I don't want to unzip a million files, and then do a million file open and closes to find the location of a million stations and plot them on a map ... :-( That's my vote for multiple things in one file ...Cheers, Joe