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[cross-posting this email to the cf-satellite list] ===================================== On 2/3/2011 1:11 PM, Janine Goldstein Aquino wrote:
Hi all,At NCAR/RAF we have netCDF files with multiple time frequencies in the same file:dimensions: Time = 18421; Sps1 = 1; // samples per second Sps25 = 25; // samples per second ... variables: int Time(Time); float var1(Time, sps1); float var2(Time, sps25); ...This is not CF compliant and we are concerned that users will not know to lookfor the subsecond dimension and recognize it as time.Reading your suggestion below, I can see us implementing another use for the attribute "coordinate_offset". I took a stab at the udunits compatible "units" value.Not quite sure how that would work... dimensions: Time = 18421; Sps25 = 25; variables: int time(Time) ; :standard_name = "time" :units = "seconds since 2010-08-15 10:09:00 +0000" ; ... int sps25(Sps25) ; :standard_name = "coordinate_offset" ; :ref_coordinate = "time" ; :units = "1/25 seconds since time" ; ... float var2(Time,sps25); All of Tim's comments about how to implement the :coordinates attribute apply here as well. Regards, Janine