[cf-satellite] tiling schemes for netCDF4 gridded products covering irregular subsets of a hemisphere

NOTE: The cf-satellite mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Dear Sir:

I am working a program where valid gridded data is restricted to the portions 
of the earth that are (1) land or sea, (2) day or night, and (3) clear or 

Substantial efficiencies are gained by storing only tiles with valid data.  For 
example storing land surface temperature in tiles that only are on land.

In addition, there is substantial benefit in being able to read only those 
tiles from a hemispheric netCDF4 file that are requested by the user.  For 
example, the user may only be interested in land surface temperature over 
Argentina in a product that has land surface temperature for the entire western 

A few questions:

Does one or more existing set of netCDF4 conventions exist to provide these 
capabilities ?

If there is not an existing set of conventions, is anyone working on the 
conventions required to support these capabilities ?


very respectfully,


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