Re: [cf-satellite] very rough draft of way to represent band

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On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 2:06 PM, John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Im thinking the way forward for now might be to follow Chris' idea of
> specific examples. Then we can see what the real issues are.
> So Id invite anyone to submit examples, and we can work out the CDL.

This is an example for a four-band SAR image. As I mentioned earlier in the
discussion, all bands have the same wavelength but differ in polarization. I
am still trying to understand how I would define and reference the
individual bands in the proposed scheme.

netcdf alos_palsar_polarimetric_data {
    band = 4;
    xgrid = 1679 ;
    ygrid = 2825 ;
    time = 1 ;
    char projection ;
        :grid_mapping_name = "transverse_mercator" ;
        :scale_factor_at_central_meridian = 0.9996 ;
        :longitude_of_central_meridian = -69. ;
        :latitude_of_projection_origin = 0. ;
        :false_easting = 500000. ;
        :false_northing = 10000000. ;
        :projection_x_coordinate = "xgrid" ;
        :projection_y_coordinate = "ygrid" ;
        :units = "m" ;
        :grid_boundary_top_projected_y = 8939000.938 ;
        :grid_boundary_bottom_projected_y = 8868365.3795625 ;
        :grid_boundary_right_projected_x = 628276.1252625 ;
        :grid_boundary_left_projected_x = 586294.85 ;
        :spatial_ref =
        :proj4text = "+proj=utm +zone=19 +south" ;
        :zone = 19 ;
        :semimajor_radius = 6378137. ;
        :semiminor_radius = 6356752.314 ;
        :GeoTransform = "586294.850000 25.003737 0 8939000.938000 0
-25.003737" ;
    float image(band, time, ygrid, xgrid) ;
        :coordinates = "polarization wavelength";
        :FillValue = -999. ;
        :long_name = "ALPSRP019116990" ;
        :cell_methods = "area: backcatter value" ;
        :units = "1" ;
        :units_description = "unitless normalized radar cross-section" ;
        :coordinates = "longitude latitude" ;
        :grid_mapping = "projection" ;
    float wavelength(band) ;
        :coordinates = "band" ;
        :units = "m" ;
        :long_name = "center wavelength" ;
        :standard_name = "radiation_center_wavelength" ;
    char polarization(band) ;
        :coordinates = "band" ;
        :units = "1" ;
        :long_name = "polarization" ;
        :standard_name = "radiation_polarization" ;
    float HH_AMPLITUDE_IMAGE(time, ygrid, xgrid) ; // band 1
    float HV_AMPLITUDE_IMAGE(time, ygrid, xgrid) ; // band 2
    float VH_AMPLITUDE_IMAGE(time, ygrid, xgrid) ; // band 3
    float VV_AMPLITUDE_IMAGE(time, ygrid, xgrid) ; // band 4
    float time(time) ;
        :units = "seconds since 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z" ;
        :references = "scene center time" ;
        :standard_name = "time" ;
        :axis = "T" ;
        :long_name = "serial date" ;
    float longitude(ygrid, xgrid) ;
        :standard_name = "longitude" ;
        :long_name = "longitude" ;
        :units = "degrees_east" ;
        :valid_range = -180., 180. ;
        :FillValue = -999. ;
    float latitude(ygrid, xgrid) ;
        :standard_name = "latitude" ;
        :long_name = "latitude" ;
        :units = "degrees_north" ;
        :valid_range = -90., 90. ;
        :FillValue = -999. ;
    float ygrid(ygrid) ;
        :standard_name = "projection_y_coordinates" ;
        :long_name = "projection_grid_y_centers" ;
        :units = "meters" ;
        :axis = "Y" ;
    float xgrid(xgrid) ;
        :standard_name = "projection_x_coordinates" ;
        :long_name = "projection_grid_x_centers" ;
        :units = "meters" ;
        :axis = "X" ;

 wavelength = 0.2360571, 0.2360571, 0.2360571, 0.2360571 ;
 polarization = "HH", "HV", "HV", "VV" ;


Best regards,
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