Re: [cf-satellite] cf-satellite Digest, Vol 14, Issue 1

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Hi All - on this topic alone, I would add that every data producer in the 
GHRSST family does exactly this… all GHRSST-compliant data sets use three 
dimensions, with time=1.  As a server of the data, I can say that not once has 
a user complained either.  As a producer of GHRSST compliant data, I can't 
fathom why anyone would have heartache about it.    GHRSST still has a time 
variable of course, and we have found that including the time dimension in the 
specification has allowed for the production of some higher-level products that 
would not otherwise be possible. For example, if someone wanted to put a whole 
year of daily data into a single file, they could and still remain 
GHRSST-compliant.  None of the operational data producers in GHRSST do this, 
but we've done it for some of the retrospective inter-comparison work.   GHRSST 
uses the time dimension in its L2, L3, and L4 specification.


p.s. - GHRSST is Group for High Resolution SST,  GHRSST 
Data Specification Version 2.0 is at:

On Oct 26, 2011, at 11:44 AM, Tom Rink wrote:

> Another issue relates to defining a mechanism to provide a time-stamp for
> a file, ie. time dimension length = 1.  Many data providers will not subscribe
> to the notion of a 3D variable (time,x,y) with time=1.  I'm not agreeing or
> disagreeing, but engineers associated with the GOES-R project said they
> would not do this.  So we have a Time(time) variable to hold the nominal
> time of the image.  

[NOTE: The opinions expressed in this email are those of the author alone and 
do not necessarily reflect official NOAA, Department of Commerce, or US 
government policy.]

Kenneth S. Casey, Ph.D.
Technical Director
NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center
1315 East-West HighWay
Silver Spring MD 20190 USA
+1 301-713-3272 x133

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