The UPC continues to receive numerous requests for posting community
announcements of interest to the Unidata community email list. Though
we have been posting the announcements on the Unidata home page under
"community announcements", we concluded that we should set up a
communityinfo email list.
Below is the email list description with easy steps to take to begin
sharing important announcements with other community members.
Description: communityinfo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This new list is to enable community members to share important
announcements, opportunities, and activities with others in the Unidata
community. Examples include announcement of activities and
opportunities related to Unidata's mission, sessions of AGU and AMS on
data and cyberinfrastructure topics, as well as pertinent local and
regional meetings. Members of the list can discuss the offerings with
other subscribers to the list, similar to other email lists facilitated
by the UPC.
To subscribe go to:
The UPC hopes that the new communityinfo list will be used appropriately
and become a valuable vehicle for spreading the word about important
issues of interest to the broader community. You must subscribe to
become a member (i.e., send and receive messages) though!
The UPC will continue to send important announcements to the existing
community email list about advocacy matters, newsletters, workshops,
software releases, community meetings, equipment awards, and data issues
of broad interest.
Linda Miller - lmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Community Services, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690