The Unidata Program Center still has seats available for its 2008
Software Training Workshop. The workshop features our display and
analysis packages McIDAS, GEMPAK, and the IDV, data access and
management tools, the Local Data Manager (LDM), the Network Common Data
Form (netCDF), and the THREDDS software for cataloging, browsing, and
accessing remote data and metadata.
Workshop Dates:
October 27 - 29 GEMPAK
October 30 - 31 LDM
November 2 - 5 IDV (Intro and Advanced)
November 6 - 7 THREDDS Data Server Administration
November 11 -12 netCDF for Developers
November 10 - 13 McIDAS
Please see the 2008 Training Workshop Home Page:
for course descriptions and more information. Registration for
this year's workshop closes August 29, 2008.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303)497-8643 P.O. Box 3000
support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata Web Support