Dear Colleagues,
The European Geosciences Union meeting is 19-24 April 2009, Vienna,
Austria For information see, The left navigation
column provides links to Call for Papers, along with other important
meeting information.
You might be interested in the newly established EGU Session "Earth and
Space Science Informatics"
ESSI1: International Informatics Collaborations and Projects Convener:
M. Ramamurthy | Co-Conveners: L. Miller , S. Nativi
ESSI12 Collaboration Technologies, Social Networking and Web 2.0
Convener: R. B. Husar | Co-Conveners: P. Fox , M. Ramamurthy
ESSI8: Data Preservation and Long Term Access Convener: W. Som de
Cerff | Co-Conveners: C. Jacobs , S. Nativi ESSI9: Data and Metadata
Models & Mark-up Languages Convener: A. Woolf | Co-Conveners: B.
Domenico , S. Nativi ESSI15 Virtual Globes and Visualization Tools
Convener: M. Ramamurthy
Authors are invited to submit abstracts by Tuesday 13 January 2009.
Happy New Year!
Linda Miller - lmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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