[community] Unidata activities

Dear Unidata Community Members,

The Unidata Users Committee meets twice a year, and our spring meeting will be held on 6-7 April. This committee is charged with:
1.) Communicating user needs and attitudes to the Unidata program;
2.) Soliciting suggestions for additions or changes to data streams and software products; and 3.) Facilitating the exchange of ideas between Unidata and the user community. Please feel free to review the meeting agenda, and send us any comments or suggestions that you would like us to consider:
Send suggestions or comments to usercomm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

As you may be aware, the GEMPAK software package and ongoing development of AWIPS II are currently topics of discussion for the Users Committee. Our committee and the UPC are closely tracking the progress of the migration work (both on the AWIPS-II front as well as on the GEMPAK and IDV fronts) and we will continue to discuss the topic at the upcoming as well in future governing committee meetings. In fact, Brent Gordon of NCEP will give us an update at the meeting next week. See https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/gempak/nawipsmigration/ for updates as they become available. Please send comments to: nawipsmigration@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I would like to invite you to attend the 2009 Unidata Users Workshop *Using Operational and Experimental Observations in Geoscience Education* to be held June 8 - 12, 2009 in Boulder, CO. See http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/events/2009UsersWorkshop/index.html for additional information. Note that a *special opportunity* exists for *graduate students* with a strong interest in education to receive funding to attend this workshop. If you are unable to attend, please consider sharing this information with colleagues who you believe may wish to do so. The workshop will provide a wonderful opportunity to focus on the use of observational data and data assimilation in undergraduate and graduate education across all aspects of geoscience. Also, the workshop will feature a *poster session*, so that every attendee will have an opportunity to share their experiences and projects with the other attendees and presenters.

Last, but not least, I wanted to let you know about this year's recipient of the Russell L. DeSouza Award, which the Users Committee awards each year to a community member who has exhibited outstanding community service. This year, out of several highly deserving nominees, the award goes to Professor Elen Cutrim, for her dedicated service, inspirational leadership, and contributions toward broadening and strengthening the Unidata community. Please see:
for additional information.

Best Regards,

Gary Lackmann
Chair, Unidata Users Committee

fn:Gary Lackmann
org:NC State University;Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
adr;dom:;;1125 Jordan Hall, Box 8208;Raleigh;NC;27695
title:Associate Professor
tel;work:(919) 515-1439
tel;fax:(919) 515-7802

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