*Triennial Users Workshop - Last Call! *
Unidata's seventh triennial Users Workshop, Using Operational and
Experimental Observations in Geoscience Education, is scheduled for
June 8-12, 2009 in Boulder, Colorado. The workshop will provide a chance
for participants to experience a combination of presentations, labs, and
actual demonstrations of the latest techniques. We'll also have a
glimpse of some emerging technologies.
An informal poster
session will be held in conjunction with the icebreaker on June 8.
We have extended registration to May 15, 2009.
For additional information, see:
An opportunity still exists for graduate students to receive a stipend
to defray expenses.
NOTE: Grad students have until May 8, 2009 to submit information
requested in the link below.
Unidata Users Committee:
Workshop co-chairs:
Sean Arms, University of Oklahoma
Brian Etherton, UNCC-RENCI
Larry Oolman, University of Wyoming
Tina Campbell
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Phone: 303 497-8639 Fax: 303 497-8690
Email: campbell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx