The World Meteorological Organization has established a Task Team to
look into enhancing the availability of distance learning in meteorology
for individuals working in operational meteorological services. Dr Vilma
Castro from Costa Rica and Dr Tim Spangler from the USA are co-chairs of
this task team.
As a first step, they are trying to identify by 23 October 2009:
1. Sources of online education that would allow individuals to comply with the requirements
in the publication WMO 258 Guidelines for the Education and Training of Personnel in Meteorology
and Operational Hydrology*, either the meteorology component or the mathematics and physics
2. Organizations that teach meteorology mathematics/physics via distance learning techniques.
They would appreciate it very much if you would send them information about websites and
organizations that fit this description. They will be compiling a summary of what is available
and would be willing to share it with you when they are done.
Please also feel free to send them your thoughts and ideas about how the availability of distance
learning in meteorology can be enhanced.
*The Guidelines can be found in
Vilma can be contacted at vilmac2001@xxxxxxxxx and Tim Spangler can be contacted
at tspang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Timothy C. Spangler Ph.D.
Tel: 303-497-8473