NOTE: The link to the job description for the open
position at Unidata is:
Here is Unidata's May CommuniteE-Letter for your reading pleasure.
Links and a brief description of specific articles are below:
Upgrading Unidata Hardware at NSF/ATM
Unidata recently upgraded atm ( and the IDD relay
( equipment co-located at the National Science Foundation
in Arlington, Virginia.
Farewell to Developers McWhirter and Murray
Unidata is losing two software developers in May. Sad to say, Jeff
McWhirter and Don Murray are moving on.
We urge you to review the position description and redistribute it to
anyone you think might have an interest in it.
The Data Series: ACARS
In 1999, after many discussions between Unidata and NOAAs Forecast Systems
Laboratory (now ESRL/GSD) Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting
System (ACARS) data became available to Unidatas university community.
News Briefs
Job Opening at Unidata
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Thank you from Boulder on a drizzly spring day.
Send comments to: support-eletter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tina Campbell and Jo Hansen