All,Apologies if you have already received this message. It's important enough to warrant broad distribution!
Thanks, Linda -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [nws_partners] FCC seeks comment on use of 1675-1710 MHz band Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 22:43:32 -0400 From: Mike Gerber <Mike.Gerber@xxxxxxxx> Reply-To: NWS Partner Meetings Forum <nws_partners@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: NWS Partner Meetings Forum <nws_partners@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> CC: Herbert White <Herbert.White@xxxxxxxx> NWS Partners,We want to pass along the *FCC request for comments on impacts of the proposed sharing of the 1675-1710 MHz frequency band with wireless broadband systems*. The *deadline for comments is June 28, 2010*. The FCC needs to know what impacts sharing this will have. See the attached NWS notices to users and FCC Public Notice DA-1035 (ET Docket No. 10-123) released on June 4, 2010. *Potentially impacted parties include the private sector, academia and state and local government users* of data received via the 1675-1710 MHz band for Meteorological Aids Service and Meteorological Satellite Service. This frequency band includes radiosonde spectrum and all of NOAA's direct GOES and POES satellite broadcast service spectrum. *This does include EMWIN and GOES & POES satellite imagery and data.
*Details can be found in the following attached documents. NWS Notice to All Users NWS Notice to EMWIN Users FCC Public Notice DA-1035If you have any questions, please contact the NWS EMWIN team at 301-713-0864 x110 or emwin.system@xxxxxxxx <mailto:emwin.system@xxxxxxxx>
Thanks for your attention to this matter.
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