[community] AMS IIPS-Data Stewardship session-2011, Seattle, Washington
Data Stewardship Session at the 27th IIPS Conference at the 91st AMS
The ad hoc Committee on Data Stewardship was established by the AMS at
its 89th annual meeting in Phoenix, AZ. Since then, the Committee has
developed a Prospectus guiding our work that can be found at
as well as holding a Town Hall meeting at the 90th AMS meeting in
Atlanta, GA see http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/mohan/Data Stewardship
Town Hall Final.ppt At this point, we have now progressed to
partnering with the AMS IIPS Committee and will hold a one-day session
on Data Stewardship during the 27th IIPS Conference to be held at the
91st AMS Meeting slated to be held in Seattle, WA from January 23-27,
2011. In particular we are soliciting papers in the following 5
thematic areas: (1) the role of data centers and institutional
repositories; (2) data citation; (3) enabling data discovery; (4)
enabling data standards and interoperability; and (5) data curation.
This e-mail is addressed to those persons who we believe may either be
interested in making a presentation at that session or who might know of
someone who would. The purpose of this e-mail is to remind you that if
you plan to make a presentation at the 2011 AMS IIPS Data Stewardship
session which will be held on Tuesday January 25, 2011, and the deadline
for submission of abstracts is August 2, 2010.
If you are interested in submitting an abstract for this IIPS session,
please submit your abstract electronically via the Web by August 2, 2010
(refer to the AMS Web page at http://ametsoc.org/MEET/annual/ for
instructions.) A ONE-TIME abstract fee of $95 (payable by credit card or
purchase order) is charged at the time of submission (refundable only if
the abstract is not accepted). Authors of accepted presentations will
be notified (via e-mail) by late-September 2010, and invited at that
time to submit an extended abstract. Unlike in past years there is NO
additional manuscript charge this year; instead of a preprint CD-ROM,
ALL extended abstracts will be published via the AMS web site.as well as
Web posting of the recorded meeting presentation; authors of invited and
accepted papers ARE ENCOURAGED to contribute to this body of work via an
extended abstract. After notification in September, all extended
abstracts are requested to be submitted electronically and will be
available on-line via the Web. Instructions for formatting extended
manuscripts for the AMS Web site will be posted at that time.
Manuscripts (up to 3MB) can be submitted electronically by early January
2011 via the AMS web site. The AMS no longer produces a CD-ROM or
printed pre-print at the conference, but all materials are published
on-line by the AMS and will be on-line for perpetuity.
As for hotels, the AMS has arranged for rooms at a number of hotels in
the area. Information will be available on the AMS meeting site at
http://ametsoc.org/MEET/annual/ regarding hotels in August 2010.
Finally, please feel free to forward this information to anyone who you
think may be interested in these sessions -- either to present a paper
or just to attend.