Hello Unidata Community:
The February 2011 Unidata CommuniteE-Letter is now available.
Check: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/newsletter/2011feb/2011feb.html
This month we have a wrap-up of Unidata's participation at the American
Meteorological Society meeting in Seattle, the next in our series of
articles providing Unidata Program Center staff responses to comments
made in the 2010 Unidata User Survey, a report on the migration of
NAWIPS software to the new AWIPS II system, descriptions of two open
software developer positions (Unidata is hiring!), new software releases
and updates, and important news briefs.
As always, we'd love to share information about what you're doing with
the Unidata community. Send your comments to:
Thanks for your interest!
Doug Dirks, Linda Miller, and the Unidata Staff
Douglas Dirks
Unidata Community Services
ddirks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * 303-497-8657