Hello Unidata Community:
Normally, our beginning of the month e-mail has been the announcement
that a new CommunitE-Letter is available. This month we've got something
a little different.
We've redesigned the Unidata web site to be more visually appealing and
easier to navigate. Browse on over to
to take a look at the new site!
As part of the redesign, we're replacing the monthly Unidata
CommunitE-Letter with the News@Unidata weblog. Switching from the
newsletter-on-a-webpage format to a blog will give us the opportunity to
communicate with you more frequently and provide new ways for you to
join the conversation. You can get to News@Unidata from the Unidata home
page -- there will always be at least one article from the blog visible
there -- or by browsing directly to
For starters, you might want to read these two posts:
As always, we'd love to hear what you're doing. You can post comments to
stories to the News@Unidata blog, or contact us directly at
Thanks for your interest!
Doug Dirks, Linda Miller, and the Unidata Staff
Douglas Dirks
Unidata Community Services
ddirks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * 303-497-8657