Hi everybody,
What are you doing this summer? Why not attend the Unidata Users
Workshop, "Navigating Earth System Science Data," 9-13 July 2012, to be
held in Boulder, Colorado.
Many prominent presenters will be covering a host of different topics at
the workshop. For a full list of presenters, topics, and other important
information, visit the Workshop web site at
Bring your laptop and be ready for new ideas to take home. There will be
time for one-on-one discussions with presenters and developers, and we
have carved out time for some fun activities too.
Students are encouraged to attend; there are a limited number of student
stipends available to defray expenses. See the web site for details.
We hope you'll join us for this very special event! Registration is
open until June 4, 2012. Register today!
The workshop is organized by the Unidata Users Committee and staff, and
sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
Tina Campbell
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Phone: 303 497-8639 Fax: 303 497-8690
Email: campbell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx