[community] Unidata Training Workshop - Registration Closing Soon

*/Workshop Registration is closing on Monday, September 10th, so you have less than a week to register!/*

Please see the following link for more information:

The Unidata Program Center is pleased to announce its 2012 Software Training Workshop.

The workshop features the following:

_Visualization and Analysis Packages _
GEMPAK (Introduction to AWIPS2)
IDV (Introduction to RAMADDA)

_Data Access and Management Tools_

_Software for Cataloging, Browsing, and Accessing Remote Data and Metadata_

We do not currently have a McIDAS-X class scheduled at this time, however if you are interested in attending a class for this, please notify Tina Campbell at 303-497-8639 or campbell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Unidata's training workshops are created and presented by the software developers and support staff for each package, so you can be sure to get your questions answered.

Workshop Dates
October 22-24   THREDDS Data Server (TDS)
October 25-26   netCDF
October 29-November 1   IDV with RAMADDA
November 1-2    LDM
November 5-7    GEMPAK with an Introduction to AWIPS-II

Tina Campbell
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Phone: 303 497-8639 Fax: 303 497-8690
Email: campbell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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