Hello Community!
Can you help us?
You must know some colleagues who would be good representatives to serve
on Unidata's governing committees. The Policy and Users Committees are
very important because they represent the community and play an
important role toward shaping the future of Unidata.
Think about an outstanding graduate student who could represent the
student population at the Users Committee meetings during a two-year
term. This is an important position on the Users Committee, and can be
influential working with the committee and the Unidata staff.
Check out additional information on the governing committees at:
We have extended the nomination deadline to August 9, 2013. Thanks in
advance for helping us find good people to serve.
The link to the nomination page is:
If you are nominating a student representative, please see:
for additional information.
Thanks for your time!
Linda Miller - lmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Community Services, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690