Dear Unidata Community, I would like to alert you to the opportunity to help shape the future of EarthCube through the following actions: 1) Please review the approximately nine pages that constitute sections 2-4 in the draft Strategic Science Plan (attached) by February 27th and send your comments to either emma.aronson@xxxxxxx or basilg@xxxxxxxxxx. 2) Consider participating in a workshop in Berkeley on March 25-26 to expand the Strategic Science Plan section #5 (Scope and Vision). If you would like to attend that session please contact Mohan (mohan@xxxxxxxx) by February 18th. 3) Please consider attending the EarthCube All Hands Meeting from May 27th to May 29th. Please visit this site for more details: EarthCube is a major initiative that crosses many disciplines and we as a community would do well to be more involved. If you are able to participate in any of these actions your time and effort would be greatly appreciated. Kind Regards, Josh Young
EarthCube Strategic Science Plan.pdf
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