[community] Unidata Workshop Speakers and Room Reservations

Hello Unidata Community,

The 2015 Unidata Users Workshop will be held June 22-25 in Boulder,
Colorado. The Unidata Users Committee invites you to join other community
members, distinguished presenters from academia and industry, and Unidata
staff to raise awareness of important new trends in geoscience technology,
including cloud computing, data management, and the place of the Python
language in geoscience computing infrastructure. The workshop is a chance
for the academic community and share hands-on activities, course materials,
and ideas for improving research and education.

We’re excited to be welcoming a diverse group of speakers and presenters
for the workshop, including:


   Stefan Cecelski from Weather Analytics on Python and data-driven science

   David Delene from the University of North Dakota Data management policy

   Rob Fatland from Microsoft Research on Cloud Computing

   David John Gagne from NCAR & the University of Oklahoma on data-driven

   Stephen Hoyer from the Climate Corporation on Big data and data-driven

   Zhenlong Li from George Mason University on Cloud computing

   Johnny Lin from North Park University on Python

   Carlos Maltzahn from the University of California, Santa Cruz on Big
   (geospatial) data

   Brian Mapes from the University of Miami on Case studies

   Ryan May from Unidata on Python and MetPy

   Matthew Meyernik from NCAR on Data management policy

   Carol Song from Purdue University on Big (geospatial) data

   Kevin Tyle from the University at Albany on Python

Registration for the workshop is open -- browse over to the workshop web
site <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/events/2015UsersWorkshop> for details.
However, please note that our room block at the hotel expires next Friday,
May 29th so reservations should be made quickly.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Boulder next month!

Josh Young
Unidata Community Services
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