[community] AGU Education session 2015 Fall Meeting

Hello Unidata Community,

I encourage and invite you to submit relevant papers to our session:

*Climate Literacy: Scaling Impacts of Climate Literacy Efforts through
Effective Partnerships and Networks*

URL: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm15/preliminaryview.cgi/Session8241

*Session ID#: * 8241
Session Description:
Climate change is impacting and will continue to impact many aspects of
society. In order to address these impacts, coordinated large-scale efforts
and effective partnerships are needed to equip citizens, professionals, and
other decision-makers with the scientific underpinning necessary to make
informed decisions for society. We invite presentations related to the
development and implementation of partnerships and/or networks, or the
bringing to scale of programs that address climate change education,
communication, adaptation, or mitigation strategies. Of particular interest
are efforts that bridge audiences, topics, or regions not traditionally
connected. However, contributions for all effective partnerships, networks,
and efforts related to enhancing climate literacy are welcome.

Primary Convener:  *William J Weber*,Unidata - University Corporation for
Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, United States
Conveners:  *Tamara S Ledley*, TERC, Cambridge, MA, United States and *Frank
Niepold III*, NOAA Washington DC, Washington, DC, United States

Thank you for your consideration,

William "Jeff" Weber

Jeff Weber
Unidata Program Center
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
303-497-8676                          jweber@xxxxxxxx
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