Hello Unidata community,
In case you missed it -- here's a wrap-up of what's been going on at the
Unidata Program Center in May:
Unidata Update: May 2018
Some Highlights:
- Nominations are open for Unidata governing committees
- 2018 Community Equipment Awards
- Unidata software training workshops will be held in October
- What's new in IDV 5.5
- MetPy 0.8 is now available
Also: Regular registration for the 2018 Unidata Users Workshop
<https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/events/2018UsersWorkshop/> is closed, but if
you don't need Unidata's
help securing lodging in Boulder, there are still opportunities to attend.
Thanks for your interest!
Doug Dirks and the Unidata Staff
Douglas Dirks
Unidata Community Services
ddirks@xxxxxxxx <ddirks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> * 303-497-8657