Hello Unidata Community,
Are you interested in increasing your participation in the Unidata program?
Do you need upgraded equipment to continue participating?
Do you have an innovative contribution to make to the Unidata community?
Announcing the *2020 Unidata Community Equipment Awards Program*, sponsored
by the National Science Foundation.
We are soliciting proposals for funds to be used for computer equipment
purchases from academic institutions engaged in teaching and research in
the geosciences. For 2020, a total of $100,000 is available for awards;
proposals for amounts up to $20,000 will be considered. Proposals must be
received at the Unidata Program Center by March 20, 2020 to be considered,
with notifications of award status are expected to be made by May 2020.
In keeping with Unidata's most recent proposal to the National Science
Foundation for continued program funding, additional emphasis will be
placed on providing support for institutions serving populations that are
underrepresented in the broad geoscience community. Unidata is dedicated to
broadening participation by minority serving institutions, and we
particularly encourage small institutions, academic departments that have
not previously submitted proposals to this program, and programs outside
Unidata's traditional atmospheric sciences community to apply.
For additional information, including links to descriptions of proposals
that were funded in past years, start here: Call for Proposals: Unidata
2020 Community Equipment Awards
You can also contact us by e-mail at: support-egrants@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Unidata staff will be in the UCAR booth at both AGU in San Francisco and
AMS in Boston, so please stop by to talk if you have questions about this
program or any of our tools and data services!
The Unidata Program Center Staff