[community] Nominations Sought: Unidata DeSouza Award

Dear Colleague,

Do you know someone in geoscience community who has actively contributed to 
more open and data driven science and education? Or perhaps someone who has 
been helpful to you and other members of the Unidata community? Such a person 
might be someone who tirelessly volunteers to assist others, or a contributor 
to a software package widely used in the community, or provides and encourages 
open access to data.

I write to you today as chair of the Unidata Users’ Committee as we seek 
nominations for the Russell L. DeSouza Award. This award is generally given out 
annually to a member of our community "whose energy, expertise, and active 
service to the geosciences contribute in a way that is consistent with or 
furthers the Unidata Program’s mission." The honorees of this award personify 
the Unidata ideal of an inclusive community that promotes the sharing of data, 
software and ideas through computing and networking technology. I ask that you 
think about individuals within your department or colleagues who fit this 
description. I also note that while direct involvement in the Unidata community 
is one avenue by which such a contribution may be made, the distinguishing 
ethos of awardees is their contribution and dedication to accessible and 
reproducible science and education in the geosciences. Additionally, I would 
also ask that you please share this announcement with anyone who might know of 
a worthy nominee.

A nomination for the Russell L. DeSouza Award for Outstanding Community Service 
does not require significant effort, and the award serves to honor those who 
often do not receive recognition of their substantive service to the community. 
The nomination form will require contact information for the nominator, the 
nominee, and a form response to explain why the nominee should be considered 
for the award. To nominate someone for the award, please use the nomination 
form. Nominations must be received no later than 20 March 2020 to be considered 
for this year's honor.

The Unidata Users Committee will review the nominations and select the 
recipient, who will be invited to receive the award at the Fall 2020 Users 
Committee meeting in Boulder, Colorado. The individual will be asked to give a 
presentation focusing on their experience as it relates to service to the 
Unidata and geoscience community through the sharing of data, software or ideas.

For additional information about the DeSouza Award and list of previous 
recipients, please visit the award website, which can be found at the following 
link: DeSouza Award

Kevin Goebbert, Valparaiso University
Chair, Unidata Users Committee

Kevin Goebbert, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Meteorology
Kallay-Christopher Hall, 201-F
1809 Chapel Drive Valparaiso, IN 46383
(219) 464-5517
fax: (219) 548-7738
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