[community] JupyterHub resources to support remote learning

Hello Unidata community,

Can your course or program benefit from no-cost access to a cloud-based
Jupyter notebook server for the remainder of the Spring term? Read on.

As many universities transition to the use of remote/online learning
strategies in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Unidata is making
additional resources available via its Science Gateway project. On request,
we can set up a JupyterHub environment to provide student access to online
Jupyter notebooks in support of college-level coursework in the atmospheric
and related sciences. You can read more about the program in this post from
the News@Unidata blog:

Offer: Unidata Science Gateway JupyterHub Resources Available for
Remote-Learning Situations

Unidata's Science Gateway is a collection of cloud-based resources running
in the National Science Foundation's Jetstream cloud environment.
JupyterHub servers running as part of the Gateway can make a customized
Python environment, along with collections of Jupyter notebooks, available
to specific groups (e.g. students enrolled in a particular course) via a
web browser. Students do not need to install any software on their own
computers. And because computation takes place in the cloud environment
rather than locally, students with almost any computer that can connect to
the internet can use these resources.

Unidata makes resources on the Science Gateway available to community
members in support of their education and research activities. Until very
recently, the JupyterHub servers have been in a testing phase. In the past
year, they have been used successfully by full-semester courses and
multi-day workshops. At the AMS 2020 Annual Meeting in January, the system
supported a Student Conference Python workshop during which roughly 140
attendees used JupyterHub resources at the same time. We are confident that
the system will scale to meet the needs of multiple classroom groups.

If you think your Spring term course could benefit from access to a
JupyterHub server on the Unidata Science Gateway, please read through the
details in the above-linked article. Contact
support-gateway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you have additional questions or to
request a JupyterHub for your course. Unidata Program Center staff are all
working remotely as of now, but we should be able to respond to requests in
a reasonable time frame.

Best wishes for good health,
The Unidata Program Center staff

Douglas Dirks
Unidata Community Services
ddirks@xxxxxxxx <ddirks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  *  303-497-8657
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