[community] January 2021 Unidata Update

Hello Unidata community,

In case you missed it -- here's a wrap-up of what's been going on at the
Unidata Program Center in January:

Unidata Update: January 2021

Program Center staff have been busy in January with the AMS Annual Meeting
and ESIP Winter Meeting, but we did take some time out to talk a little
about MetPy's 1.0 release. Also, don't forget that there are Unidata
Science Gateway JupyterHub resources you can use in your Spring term

Thanks for your interest,
Doug Dirks and the Unidata Staff

Douglas Dirks (*He/Him/His*)
Unidata Community Services
ddirks@xxxxxxxx <ddirks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  *  303-497-8657

I acknowledge that the land I live and work on is the Traditional Territory
of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Ute. Colorado's Front Range
<https://native-land.ca/> is a contemporary and traditional site of trade
and gathering for many Indigenous people.
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