[community] Unidata Governing Committees: Nominations Open

Hello Unidata Community,

Unidata is looking for creative folks from the U.S. academic community to
join our governing committees. We need the insights of active educators and
researchers to spot new opportunities and take advantage of the expanding
range of scientific data, and to guide the program in addressing the needs
of our broadening community.

If you know someone (maybe yourself?) who can help Unidata chart its course
for the next few years, please consider making a nomination. You can read
more about the process in this blog post
or go straight to the online nomination form
are open through July 1, 2022.

The Unidata Program Center Staff

Douglas Dirks (*He/Him*)
Unidata Community Services
ddirks@xxxxxxxx <ddirks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  *  303-497-8657

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