Users of the IDD CONDUIT datastream:
This email is being sent on behalf of the Unidata Users's Committee to update
everyone on the status of removing datasets from and adding datasets to the
IDD CONDUIT datastream...
Responses to the Unidata User's Committee spring 2008 survey on CONDUIT
deletions/additions indicated consensus for the following changes to CONDUIT:
- 40 km NAM CONUS (NAM212)
- 2.5 degree MRF out to 168 hours
- RTMA -- Real Time Mesoscale Analysis
- SREF -- Short Range Ensemble Forecast members
A note sent to the CONDUIT users email list on October 22 announced the
of making the following changes to the datastream:
1) remove the 40 km NAM (NAM212) and 2.5 degree MRF products
2) add SREF members
3) add parallel run (non-operational) RTMA grids (operational RTMA grids
are available in the IDD NGRID datastream)
Based on the strong opposition to the removal of the 40 km NAM grids
that was voiced by a number of respondents to the October 22 announcement,
the decision was made to _NOT_ remove the NAM212 grids from CONDUIT.
Since there has been no opposition to the removal of the 2.5 degree MRF
grids, their removal will proceed as previously planned.
As part of a review of grids being delivered in CONDUIT, the headers for
all products delivered were captured over a 4-day period at the end of
October. This review reminded us that bias-corrected SREF members
have been included in CONDUIT since the third week of December, 2007.
Using October 25 as representative, it was found that there are some 47163
SREF products being delivered in CONDUIT per day (including status files)
split as follows:
Type Number
pgrb_biasc 37011 including 471 status files
ensprod_biasc 10152 including 60 status files
Total 47163 including 531 status files
For reference the NCEP FTP URL for SREF products is:
Before he left Unidata, Steve Chiswell setup web access to the SREF grids
received in CONDUIT on The last 72 hours of SREF
grids are available at:
Given that SREF grids are already available, the "consensus" requests for
changes to CONDUIT has been reduced to the addition of non-operational
(parallel) RTMA grids and removal of 2.5 degree MRF grids. We will be working
with NCEP to implement these changes before the end date for datastream change
requests (November 20).
In the meantime and on a regular basis, we will be consulting with folks at NCEP
to learn about new products not currently available from the NCEP FTP servers
could possibly be made available in CONDUIT.
We will also be investigating better ways to document the products that are
available in CONDUIT and other IDD datastreams.
We will keep you apprised of what is learned in timely postings to this list.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: DYD-390666
Department: Support CONDUIT
Priority: Normal
Status: Open