At TVA, we would like to utilize the entire NDFD data set (7 days
forecasts for some parameters) to drive various models we are using for
hydrothermal forecasting purposes. We've realized however, that only partial
forecasts exist on the CONDUIT data stream based on the status files uploaded
by the NOAA data flow team. Since products on this stream are consumer driven,
we'd like to see if others would benefit from the availability of the entire
NDFD data set (out to 7 days in some cases). Given enough interest from other
data customers, we were told that NOAA could potentially serve the rest of the
We believe that releasing the entire NDFD dataset via this mechanism would...
- allow greater use for these detailed forecasts across other federal/private
- follow the "Open Government<>" mantra that is
becoming pervasive throughout the scientific community
- provide another reliable, popular avenue (LDM) for self-service
- allow the consumers to decide what part of the entire forecast they want or
don't want. In the current paradigm, consumers are forced to accept a partial
forecast despite official forecasts going out much longer.