To add to the discussions on the WRF / Gembud / Conduit lists about
recent NAM issues, the 12z NAM218 run coming over NOAAPort had some
serious issues that I haven't figured out quite yet. Note here:
that is a screenshot of my 12knam directory... notice that the 06z run
came through just fine, and all of my products ran... however, with the
12z run, notice that everything "seems" to have been encoded within one
forecast hour (F021)... I'm not quite sure how the data would happen to
fit within one forecast hour... it seems strange
I'll run a notifyme and hopefully catch any changes on the next run
unless someone has already done that and has a pqact handy?
Patrick L. Francis
Director of Research & Development
Aeris Weather
------ Original Message ------
From: "Eric Rogers - NOAA Federal" <>
To: "Rebecca Cosgrove - NOAA Federal" <rebecca.cosgrove@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Steven Earle" <steven.earle@xxxxxxxx>; "conduit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
<conduit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Dataflow Team"
<ncep.list.pmb-dataflow@xxxxxxxx>; "Wojciech Cencek - NOAA Affiliate"
Sent: 3/22/2017 11:11:30 PM
Subject: Re: [conduit] Unable to initialize WRF using NAM212 (awip3d)
since the upgrade on 3/21
I've done an early look:
1) I took the GRIB2 awip3d36 file from the 12z 3/22 run and ran an
inventory, I saw no bad values
2) When I converted the GRIB2 awip3d36 to GRIB1 using a circa 2013
version of cnvgrib, I got a bad 700 mb height number
rec 316:9492050:date 2017032218 <tel:(201)%20703-2218> HGT kpds5=7
kpds6=100 kpds7=700 levels=(2,188) grid=255 700 mb 36hr fcst:
HGT=Geopotential height [gpm]
timerange 0 P1 36 P2 0 TimeU 1 nx 185 ny 129 GDS grid 3 num_in_ave 0
missing 0
center 7 subcenter 0 process 84 Table 2 scan: WE:SN winds(grid)
Lambert Conf: Lat1 12.190000 Lon1 226.541000 Lov 265.000000
Latin1 25.000000 Latin2 25.000000 LatSP 0.000000 LonSP 0.000000
North Pole (185 x 129) Dx 40.635000 Dy 40.635000 scan 64 mode 136
min/max data -1.25181e+07 3176.45 num bits 24 BDS_Ref -1.25181e+10
DecScale 3 BinScale 10
3) When I used a current cnvgrib compiled with our latest version of g2
lib, the bad height value went away
rec 316:9492050:date 2017032218 <tel:(201)%20703-2218> HGT kpds5=7
kpds6=100 kpds7=700 levels=(2,188) grid=255 700 mb 36hr fcst:
HGT=Geopotential height [gpm]
timerange 0 P1 36 P2 0 TimeU 1 nx 185 ny 129 GDS grid 3 num_in_ave 0
missing 0
center 7 subcenter 0 process 84 Table 2 scan: WE:SN winds(grid)
Lambert Conf: Lat1 12.190000 Lon1 226.541000 Lov 265.000000
Latin1 25.000000 Latin2 25.000000 LatSP 0.000000 LonSP 0.000000
North Pole (185 x 129) Dx 40.635000 Dy 40.635000 scan 64 mode 136
min/max data 2653.82 3192.7 num bits 16 BDS_Ref 2.65382e+06
DecScale 3 BinScale 4
I assume the code that failed (WRF Real) is a Fortran code as I recall
from my WRF days, and that it reads GRIB2. If so, my questions for the
CONDUIT people are):1) does it use NCEP libraries (specifically the
GRIB2 (g2) library, 2) If so, how old is this library? 3) If you use
g2lib and if I provided a modified routine, could it be tested?
We run the NEMS NPS code which is very similar to the WRF Real code,
and in NAMv4, I had to ensure that I compiled it with our latest
version of g2 lib which had a modified routine that fixed problems I
encountered when unpacking complex-packed GRIB2 files. The random
nature of this error makes me think this is the problem. Smaller grids
are more suspectible to the error, whicgh is probably why you don;t see
it in the larger awip32 North American domain files.
Some background: in the new NAM we output GRIB2 direct from the
post-processing, in the old NAM all GRB2 files were converted from
GRIB1 with jpeg2000 compression. We switched the new NAM GRIB2 to use
complex packing because it is faster and it allowed us not to exceed
the NAM product delivery window.
Take care
On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 10:05 PM, Rebecca Cosgrove - NOAA Federal
<rebecca.cosgrove@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Sorry -- should have read the entire thread. Mike confirmed in
another email that he pulled down the awip3d 40km file and it also
seemed to have the corruption.
I'll pull in some other folks now.
Eric, Wojciech -- some of our users are noting issues with the 40km
NAM files since the upgrade. Can you please take a look?
On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 10:01 PM, Rebecca Cosgrove - NOAA Federal
<rebecca.cosgrove@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Folks.
Let's try something. I want to see if it's the 40km grids
themselves, or something about the way we're breaking them up to
insert into the LDM for CONDUIT.
Dataflow -- can you tell us the equivalent files on ftpprd to the
40km ones we send to CONDUIT?
Then if one of you on this thread can pull down that full file from
our ftp server and see if you get the same corruption we'll know
which avenue to go down in our troubleshooting. I want to make sure
it's not our breaking up of the file before I bring in the model
More to come in the morning.
On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 9:06 PM, Tyle, Kevin R <ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx>
Mike, I am seeing the exact same error as you with the 40 km NAM
grids since the upgrade.
Kevin Tyle, Manager of Departmental Computing
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences
University at Albany
Earth Science 235, 1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222
Email: ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 518-442-4578 <tel:(518)%20442-4578>
<mailto:conduit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> on behalf of Mike
Leuthold <leuthold@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 6:03:07 PM
Subject: [conduit] Unable to initialize WRF using NAM212 (awip3d)
since the upgrade on 3/21
I am getting an error with real.exe in seemingly random times. I
actually think it's a CONDUIT problem as I downloaded the awip3d
directly and get the same problem.
Domain 1: Current date being processed: 2017-03-24_06:00:00.0000,
is loop # 13 out of 29
configflags%julyr, %julday, %gmt: 2017 83 6.000000
metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2017-03-24_06:00:00
metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2017-03-22_18:00:00
Ignoring all time series locations beyond # 1. Increase
max_ts_locs in
Timing for input 1 s.
flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1
Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc
i,j = 515 114
target pressure and value = 11.06958 -2.457370
column of pressure and value = 11.49449 0.0000000E+00
column of pressure and value = 11.47927 128.0209
column of pressure and value = 11.45342 346.5604
column of pressure and value = 11.42688 569.4280
column of pressure and value = 11.39957 796.8333
column of pressure and value = 11.37142 1029.564
column of pressure and value = 11.34235 1269.082
column of pressure and value = 11.31232 1515.348
column of pressure and value = 11.28131 1769.324
column of pressure and value = 11.24930 2031.577
column of pressure and value = 11.21623 2302.089
column of pressure and value = 11.18206 2580.684
column of pressure and value = 11.14673 2867.329
column of pressure and value = NaN -2202740.
column of pressure and value = 8.517193 20560.38
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
troubles, could not find trapping x locations
I think this is a corruption of only the 40km grids as I manually
downloaded the 32km awip32 grids from the same time and it did work.
Unfortunately, the 32km is not available on CONDUIT and I'd MUCH
using CONDUIT NAM grids rather than downloading from NCEP. Anyone
any ideas?
Mike Leuthold
Manager, Regional Weather Modeling Program
University of Arizona, Atmospheric Sciences
520-282-1478 <tel:(520)%20282-1478> (cell)
520-621-2863 <tel:(520)%20621-2863> (office)
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