Hi Pete,
Apologies for not being able to get back to you until this morning. I'm not
sure what may have caused this but we are investigating. Have you noticed
any other data missing since yesterdays' 12Z cycle?
On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 1:48 PM Pete Pokrandt <poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> All,
> I just noticed that we did not receive GFS data via CONDUIT for many of
> the forecast hours for this morning's 12 UTC run. The times that we did
> receive appear to be complete, but, for example, for the 1 degree global
> data, we are completely missing hours 90, 93,96, 99, 102, 105, 111 through
> 147, 156, 165, 168, 174, 180, 183, 201, 207, 210, 213, 216, and 219.
> Similar, though not exact, files were missing from the 0.5 deg and 0.25
> deg data sets.
> A quick browse of CONDUIT data amounts from Daryl Herzman's new IDD data
> stats page shows a marked decrease in data recieved at both UW-Madison AOS
> and Unidata.
> Any idea what happened? These data files do appear to exist on
> ftpprd.ncep.noaa.gov.
> Also - the latencies from the root conduit servers to UW-Madison and
> Unidata look like they are still slowly drifting higher, as if the time is
> drifting on the root conduit server (bottom graph in this email)
> Thanks!
> Pete
> <http://www.weather.com/tv/shows/wx-geeks/video/the-incredible-shrinking-cold-pool>
> -----
> Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
> UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
> 608-262-3086 - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Dustin Sheffler
NCEP Central Operations - Dataflow
<%28301%29%20683-1400> 5830 University Research Court, Rm 1030
College Park, Maryland 20740
Office: (301) 683-3827 <%28301%29%20683-1400>