Hello CONDUIT Users,
The start date of the transition of NCO's Conduit servers to RHEL8 was
pushed back by one day due to Critical Weather Day on Tuesday 10/10.
Therefore our migration to the new systems began today, Wednesday October
11th. The transition will still take place over three days with our
operational servers now planned to migrate tomorrow*, Thursday October 12th* at
Changes on your end are not necessary and we are anticipating a seamless
transition. If however you do encounter issues that are *not resolved by an
LDM restart*, please report them to NCO Dataflow (ncep.pmb.dataflow@xxxxxxxx)
as soon as possible with a subject line that includes the text "CONDUIT
Thank you
NCO Dataflow Team
On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 12:44 PM Dustin Sheffler - NOAA Federal <
dustin.sheffler@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Attention CONDUIT Users,
> Beginning *Tuesday, October 10th, 2023* at *1300z*, NCO Dataflow will
> begin the migration of our CONDUIT systems to RHEL 8. The transition will
> take place over three days with our operational servers migrating on
> *Wednesday,
> October 11th* at *1300z*. Changes on your end are not necessary and we
> are anticipating a seamless transition. If however you do encounter issues
> that are *not resolved by an LDM restart*, please report them to NCO
> Dataflow (ncep.pmb.dataflow@xxxxxxxx) as soon as possible with a subject
> line that includes the text "CONDUIT Issue".
> Thank you
> --
> NCO Dataflow Team
> ncep.pmb.dataflow@xxxxxxxx
> To sign up for the NOMADS/FTPPRD Users List:
> https://www.lstsrv.ncep.noaa.gov/mailman/listinfo/ncep.list.nomads-ftpprd