I'm guessing he means to get the product info back into the metadata for most
of the model data on the CONDUIT stream.
Prior to the fix, after the file name and exclamation point, there was info
about the forecast hour/variable/level at the end, like
20210621T163257.947961Z pqutil[37223] pqutil.c:display_watch:1186
INFO 75741 20210621163239.720822 CONDUIT 064
!grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/202106211200F225/HGHT/0 hPa PRES! 000064
20210621T163257.948000Z pqutil[37223] pqutil.c:display_watch:1186
INFO 77396 20210621163239.820916 CONDUIT 065
!grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/202106211200F225/TMPK/0 hPa PRES! 000065
20210621T163257.948039Z pqutil[37223] pqutil.c:display_watch:1186
INFO 1213997 20210621163241.523907 CONDUIT 047
!grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/202106211200F225/SPFH/0 hPa PRES! 000047
20210621T163257.948126Z pqutil[37223] pqutil.c:display_watch:1186
INFO 170943 20210621163228.510736 CONDUIT 738
!grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/202106211200F222/VREL/-2 K*m**2*kg-1*s-1 POTV! 000738
Since the migration to RHEL8 and a newer version of the ldm, they have been
coming through with generic default filler info for every product, like
20231015T041432.757539Z pqutil[27287] pqutil.c:display_watch:1186
INFO 82796 20231015041414.643571 CONDUIT 659
!grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/FHRS//LVL! 000659
20231015T041432.757575Z pqutil[27287] pqutil.c:display_watch:1186
INFO 67717 20231015041414.636494 CONDUIT 650
!grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/FHRS//LVL! 000650
20231015T041432.757608Z pqutil[27287] pqutil.c:display_watch:1186
INFO 81162 20231015041414.644156 CONDUIT 660
!grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/FHRS//LVL! 000660
If you rely on the variable or level info after that exclamation point, as I do
for some of my product sorting, that all broke with this change.
I would guess this change is to resolve that info. William, Mike, would you
Pete Pokrandt - System Engineer IV
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086 - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx
From: conduit <conduit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Herzmann, Daryl E
[AGRON] <akrherz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 10:25 AM
To: CONDUIT Users List <conduit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; William Boll - NOAA Federal
Cc: _NWS NCEP NCO Dataflow <nco.dataflow@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [conduit] CONDUIT Insert Tables Update
Hi William,
Curiosity always kills my cat... Could you kindly and briefly further describe
what this change means? "variables to be defined in the LDM queue" doesn't
ring any bells for me as to what this change means. Modifying product names
can certainly be very impactful to downstream users.
From: conduit <conduit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of William Boll -
NOAA Federal via conduit <conduit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 7:21 AM
To: CONDUIT Users List
Cc: _NWS NCEP NCO Dataflow
Subject: [conduit] CONDUIT Insert Tables Update
Attention CONDUIT Users,
Beginning on October 23, 2023 at 1500z, NCO Dataflow will make an update to the
LDM insert tables on our CONDUIT systems. This will allow for individual
variables to be defined in the LDM queue for the data products. We are not
expecting any impacts to downstream users. If however you do encounter issues,
please report them to NCO Dataflow
(ncep.pmb.dataflow@xxxxxxxx<mailto:ncep.pmb.dataflow@xxxxxxxx>) as soon as
Thank You,
Dataflow Team Lead (Acting)
NCEP Central Operations
College Park, Maryland 20740
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