Re: [conduit] GFS pgrb2.0p25 missing a lot of fields

  • To: Mike Zuranski <mzuranski@xxxxxxxx>, "Person, Arthur A." <aap1@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [conduit] GFS pgrb2.0p25 missing a lot of fields
  • From: Pete Pokrandt <poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 02:45:11 +0000
  • Arc-authentication-results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none
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  • Msip_labels:

That fix was actually supposed to have happened at 15 UTC the 23rd (i.e. today) 
- I am seeing some product identifiers at least on the 00 UTC NAM data now, I 
suspect the GFS and other models now have them also. There are still a lot of 
generics showing up for some reason..

Here's a very brief ldmadmin watch of the NAM on the conduit feed from just now.

20231024T024417.318493Z pqutil[39285]               pqutil.c:display_watch:1186 
        INFO      237940 20231024024359.856383 CONDUIT 036  
!grib2/ncep/NAM_84/#000/202310240000F081/EMSL/0 - NONE! 000036
20231024T024417.318555Z pqutil[39285]               pqutil.c:display_watch:1186 
        INFO        6087 20231024024353.759208 CONDUIT 371  
!grib2/ncep/NAM_84/#000/202310240000F081/CICE/875 hPa PRES! 000371
20231024T024417.318603Z pqutil[39285]               pqutil.c:display_watch:1186 
        INFO        2722 20231024024353.766057 CONDUIT 391  
!grib2/ncep/NAM_84/#000/202310240000F081/CICE/925 hPa PRES! 000391
20231024T024417.318652Z pqutil[39285]               pqutil.c:display_watch:1186 
        INFO        9940 20231024024353.771738 CONDUIT 411  
!grib2/ncep/NAM_84/#000/FHRS//LVL! 000411
20231024T024417.318749Z pqutil[39285]               pqutil.c:display_watch:1186 
        INFO       17653 20231024024353.777788 CONDUIT 431  
!grib2/ncep/NAM_84/#000/202310240000F081/TSOIL/0-10 m DPTH! 000431
20231024T024417.318835Z pqutil[39285]               pqutil.c:display_watch:1186 
        INFO       13123 20231024024353.782788 CONDUIT 451  
!grib2/ncep/NAM_84/#000/202310240000F081/POROS/0 - NONE! 000451
20231024T024417.318876Z pqutil[39285]               pqutil.c:display_watch:1186 
        INFO        3073 20231024024353.787364 CONDUIT 471  
!grib2/ncep/NAM_84/#000/202310240000F081/WXTR/0 - NONE! 000471
20231024T024417.318919Z pqutil[39285]               pqutil.c:display_watch:1186 
        INFO       12129 20231024024353.792637 CONDUIT 491  
!grib2/ncep/NAM_84/#000/202310240000F081/WILT/0 - NONE! 000491
20231024T024417.318987Z pqutil[39285]               pqutil.c:display_watch:1186 
        INFO       18667 20231024024353.796811 CONDUIT 511  
!grib2/ncep/NAM_84/#000/202310240000F081/TCDC03/0 - NONE! 000511

I'll keep an eye on things with the GFS too.


Pete Pokrandt - System Engineer IV
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086  - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx
From: conduit <conduit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Mike Zuranski 
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 9:27 PM
To: Person, Arthur A. <aap1@xxxxxxx>
Cc: conduit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <conduit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [conduit] GFS pgrb2.0p25 missing a lot of fields

Hi Art,

This may be the result of a known issue post-upgrade, one that should hopefully 
be addressed tomorrow morning:

Looks like we'll see with the 18Z run if that fixes things, although we should 
see with other models (e.g. RAP) sooner.


Mike Zuranski
Data Engineer II
Unidata Program Center
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 7:10 PM Person, Arthur A. 
<aap1@xxxxxxx<mailto:aap1@xxxxxxx>> wrote:

Seems like the GFS pgrb2.0p25 (and probably 0p50 also) data are missing a lot 
of fields with the RH8 upgrade, e.g. PMSL. Anyone else seeing this?


Arthur A. Person
Assistant Research Professor, System Administrator
Penn State Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
email:  aap1@xxxxxxx<mailto:aap1@xxxxxxx>, phone:  

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