[Data-curation] Meaning of RTD/COR as bbb field within WMO header


NWSI 10-1701 describes the format of the WMO Abbreviated Heading and uses the code form of


to describe it. The `_bbb` field is only used as appropriate and Table 4 on page 14 describes its usage:


The general form is AAx (amended/updated) or CCx (corrected) or RRx (delayed or same ddhhmm usage). Anyway, that leads me to the usage of `RTD` for the bbb field like so:

SACU31 MUHA 090915 RTD
MUCL 090905Z AUTO 09009KT 29/23 Q1014=

Googling around I stumble into this document:


and page 1-12 describes two additional bbb fields of

RTD (routine delayed) and
COR (correction)

So of course, MUHA is Cuba and not subject to NWSI 10-1701. So I wonder where the 'standard' is for this bbb field. Ah WMO has this:


But does not appear to support the usage of 'COR' or 'RTD' ? Any kind souls wish to end my wild goose chase and explain this fun to me? :)


 * daryl herzmann
 * Systems Analyst III -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
 * https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu

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