The number of *exceptions* for METARs, TAFs, and many other NWS products is
insane. My software will ingest the incorrect MR0C just fine, and my
program that seeks out unknown 4-letter IDs found in the METAR DB I
maintain but are not known lat/lon will reveals many sites that were typos.
When will someone ever employ software checking upon data entry to prevent
things like this? Never at the rate we're going. The worse condition in
my opinion is when the time stamp is completely wrong - such as POST-dated
METAR data. It happens all the time and they merrily end up in final files
as supposedly good info.
On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 10:14 PM, daryl herzmann <akrherz@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Oh the fun of processing METARs. Behold the METAR site MROC Juan
> Santamaria, Costa Rica. Here's the 0z ob
> SACS31 MROC 090000
> MROC 090000Z 25005KT 5000 BR FEW005 SCT015 23/23 A2993 NOSIG=
> and here's the 1z ob:
> SACS31 MROC 090100
> MR0C 090100Z 24005KT 3000 BR FEW002 BKN010 23/22 A3000 NOSIG=
> Notice what's wrong? :) So the Oh became a zero! So the KWBC collective
> then missed it.
> SACA35 KWBC 090100
> ...snipped...
> So should I account for this in my METAR ingesting code somehow or alas,
> the 1z ob on 9 August 2017 is lost forever for MROC :(
> daryl
> --
> /**
> * daryl herzmann
> * Systems Analyst III -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
> * https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu
> */
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