Re: [Data-curation] unknown METAR locations, short list (11Sep2017)

Regarding KHME, I'm of the thought that this is not a US owned/operated
station, due to the fact that it is distributed under an Iranian WMO
header.  The letters used would make sense if the site was named in honor
of one of their supreme leaders, but that bit is conjecture on my part.

For KNOZ, on the google maps link Ken sent, I think the maker is in the
correct place(zoom out to see it), but the zoomed in satellite imagery on
google maps is out of date (or has been digitally altered,)  Zooming out to
a sufficent level shows the new airfield construction very close to the
marker location.  If you have an ArcOnline acct you should be able to view
more recent (or unaltered) small scale imagery to see the airfield.  I
think the maker location is also the same that was distributed in a FAA
facilities database update a year or two ago.


On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 11:51 AM, Ken Waters - National Weather Service <
ken.waters@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> KNOZ is actually closer to Yuma and is a new auxiliary airfield opened by
> the USMC folks at MCAS Yuma.  Here's a Google Maps link:
> Ken
> NWS Phoenix
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Boris A. Konon <trwplusa@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Greg,
>> Here is what I have.  If anyone see any errors below with what I list,
>> please chime in.
>> TX RANGER      * K6P9*     32 26N  09836W  450m
>> The official codes is still this, but altered for METAR transmission.
>> CO WALTON PEAK  *KC07 *    40 21N  106 42W 3225m
>> MT GRASS RANGE  *KMVH*     46 50N  108 56W 1355m
>> LA CAMERON      *KCVW*     29 47N  093 18W    1m
>> I believe this is the actual site:
>> AZ WELLTON      *KNOZ*     32 31N  114 28W  103m
>> *KHME* - I have not been able to find this site's location.  It has been
>> sending for years.
>> Boris
>> On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 1:23 PM, Greg Thompson <gthompsn@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hello group,
>>> I currently only have a few METAR sites in USA that have arrived in my
>>> database of the past 30 days for which I do not yet have a station entry
>>> (lat/lon/elev.)  Could anyone provide me the following site info:
>>>  K6P9 (2919)
>>>  KC07 (2971)
>>>  KMVH (2966)
>>>  KCVW (2844)
>>>  KHME (969)
>>>  KNOZ (906)
>>> The number in parenthesis is the number of obs I have held in the
>>> database in the past 30 days, so the top 3 sites above are pretty certain
>>> to be 20-min interval obs, whereas the latter 2 sites are hourly.
>>> Thanks for any info!
>>> Greg Thompson,  NCAR-RAL
> --
> Ken Waters
> Warning Coordination Meteorologist, Phoenix
> (602) 275-7002 x223 <(602)%20275-7002>
> E-Mail: ken.waters@xxxxxxxx
> Twitter: @wxphx    Ham Radio: N4PBY
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