All 232 Federally-owned AWOS upgrades have been completed. This process has been going on for the past two years. Basically, the AWOS-C units report just like a NWS/FAA/DoD ASOS, with a full complement of additive and climate data. Attached is a complete site list All sites have NADIN service and METARs are available on NOAAPort, except KGVQ and SFOA. SFOA is a non-airport location and doesn't have a regular FAA code assigned as far as I know, and KGVQ just may be an oversight. I am currently making inquires as to NADIN availability of these two sites. SFOA I believe is on the San Mateo-Hayward Bridge that crosses SFO Bay. Boris
FAA AWOS-C Site List (9-29-17).xlsx
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