[Data-curation] Dear nerds, how do you process this SA data?

Hello weather processing nerds,

From the curiousity-kills-my-cat department, this data product just flowed
over noaaport/sbn. If your system processed this data, could you kindly tell me how / what assumptions were made?

Here's the product

  SACN94 CWAO 290100 RRZ
  WRV SA 0100 AUTO8 M M M M/-20/-23/1204/M/     SOG 20 M 58MM=

Here's the LDM product name that is associated

  103 20180213154846.384780 IDS|DDPLUS 20520131  SACN94 CWAO 290100 RRZ

So today is 13 Feb and that WMO timestamp is '290100', so that is 1z on what day again? 29 Jan? Of course, 29 Feb does not exist this year. And I raise my standing objection of SA formatted products coming over METAR WMO headers, 'Blame Canada' hehe.


 * daryl herzmann
 * Systems Analyst III -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
 * https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu

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